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This is the web-shop of the cycling website Bike Gremlin.

My name is Relja Novović. As an avid cyclist and bicycle mechanic, in 2015 I started putting all of my “notes” on line – thus creating website. I also run a small bicycle repair shop. Though my other passion and “day time job” is with computers – systems administrator.

More about me.

I don’t really enjoy doing sales – as explained in my article: I hate sales(people)! 🙂

In spite of the advice I’ve been given, I’ll try to make this shop my way. Most shops are based on good marketing, up-selling (trying to get you to buy the stuff you don’t really need, just to make more profit). I don’t really like that. Not comfortable with it.

It's all downhill from here :)
It’s all downhill from here 🙂

The original idea behind this shop was to offer products with my review and opinion of the product (for what that’s worth, based on my knowledge and experience) – and if it’s something you like/need, good. If not – also good.

However, I think real sales are best left to real sales professionals. This shop is just a way for my friends and me to conveniently get stuff I think is cool (mostly T-shirts, I love T-shirts with dad jokes on ’em).

Buy shopping here you are supporting the work of my cycling-related website and my YouTube channel…. and getting yourself a weird-looking T-shirt if that’s your thing. 🙂

Relja Novović

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